5 to 6 months: Discovering the world: Baby's sensory awakening

5 to 6 months: Discovering the world: Baby's sensory awakening

Development at a glance

Time passes so quickly and your child is probably busy exploring everything they can get their hands on with their hands and mouth. At this age, your baby is undergoing exciting development and beginning to discover the world around them in new ways. Here are some important milestones and developments typical for babies aged 5 to 6 months:

  • Motor Skills: Your baby can now further develop their motor skills. He may be able to lift his upper body and support himself on his arms while lying on his stomach. Some babies may also try to roll over or make their first crawling movements.
  • Grasping and Holding: Your baby will improve their grasping and holding skills. He may grasp and hold objects with his hands and may begin to manipulate them between his fingers.
  • Communication: Babies of this age are becoming more and more active in their communication. They may be able to make different sounds, such as gurgling, babbling, or cooing. They may also respond to your facial expressions and voice and try to interact with you.
  • Sensory Exploration: Your baby will begin to explore their surroundings through touch, sight and hearing. He can explore objects with his hands, explore different textures and react to sounds in his environment.
  • Sleep Pattern: During this phase, your baby's sleep pattern may change. Some babies begin to have longer periods of sleep at night, while others may still wake frequently.

It is important to note that each baby develops individually and reaches milestones at their own pace. 

The AwariKids Box Torrey

The AwariKids Box Torrey is designed to satisfy your baby's urge to explore and give him the opportunity to explore and experience his environment. Because your child is curious and can hardly wait to conquer the world. This box contains, among other things, three balls made of organic cotton in a basket and a wooden panda stand-up figure, but also the Montessori spinning drum, which will certainly arouse great enthusiasm in your baby.

  • Trains motor skills (both fine and gross motor skills)
  • Promotes eye-hand coordination and dexterity
  • Develops language skills
  • Promotes self-efficacy
  • Provides hours of joy (even when lying on your stomach)


    The spinning drum


    The spinning drum is made from 100% FSC-certified wood and is

    a very popular Montessori material.


    On the one hand, the spinning drum is designed so that your child can use it ideally while lying down (on their stomach), and later also while sitting. Place the spinning drum in front of your baby when he is lying on his stomach, initially you can show him how to spin the spinning drum, it will become your act very quickly



    Your child will be fascinated by the cause and effect, sounds are made when the drum rotates.

    Zanz also trains eye-hand coordination and visual skills here.

    Spinning the spinning drum also strengthens the muscles in the wrist and arm, as well as your child's fine motor skills.

    Crocheted balls made of organic cotton



    Small balls are a very popular toy for children. Our crocheted balls made from organic cotton are perfect for extensive playing with due to their size and different textures.


    Thanks to their pleasant feel, your child can play extensively with them. Place them in your child's activity area. You can roll the balls back and forth on a play mat in front of your child.


    Your child will begin to grab the balls, which will develop fine motor skills and strengthen your child's hand muscles. In addition, your child's urge to discover is trained and it is encouraged to move (after the balls).

    Crocheted basket made of organic cotton


    The basket is crocheted from organic cotton and is therefore ideal for babies of this age as there is no risk of injury.


    You can fill the basket with different things, your child can take them out and put them back in. The three organic cotton balls are ideal for this.


    Babies this age love to sort things. If you keep filling the basket with annoying things, your child can practice tactile perception and getting to know each other. It also strengthens your baby's eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.


    Wooden rattle with bell


    The rattle is made from untreated and sustainable wood, and the bells make it a loyal companion for many children in their first years of life.


    The rattle will arouse great enthusiasm in your child because when the rattle is moved back and forth the bell inside the rattle rings. Your baby will have great fun shaking the rattle and hearing the sound of the bells.


    The bell inside the rattle stimulates your baby's sense of hearing. In addition, fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination are trained. Your baby will quickly notice that by shaking the rattle, it makes the sound of the bell itself, so your child will already experience self-efficacy.

    Stand-up figure Panda



    The standing panda figure is made from untreated and sustainably grown wood. The size of the panda is designed so that children can engage with it both lying down (on their stomach) and sitting.


    The stand-up figure not only looks particularly cute, but is also a lot of fun for your child. Place the panda in your child's area of ​​activity; he or she can push the panda as often as he likes; it rocks back and forth and always stands up. Thanks to the pleasant feel, your child will want to explore it extensively.


    On the one hand, the coordination and fine motor skills of your child are trained by nudging the panda, on the other hand, the dexterity of the hands is trained. With this figure, your child's ability to concentrate is already being promoted.

    Grasping toy/teething ring bear


    Due to its material, the gripping toy/teething ring is particularly flexible, soft and break-proof, making it ideal for gently massaging the gums. It is also very easy to clean; you can either boil it or put it in the dishwasher.


    Give your baby the grasping toy in his hand, your child can put his hand in it and chew on it extensively. The different structures of the grasping toy will be of great interest to your child, but they will also relieve the pain (teething).


    This gripping exercise trains your child's fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination (through targeted gripping). It will also relieve some of the pain of teething and your child will massage the gums and relieve the pressure by chewing on the Greiling.


    In early childhood, your child develops rapidly, especially in the first year there are so many developmental steps and tasks to do. It is sometimes tempting to compare children, but it is important to us to mention here that every child develops individually and every development is a unique journey.

    Here's a little insight into the next box ;)

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